Wednesday, December 5, 2007

A little wiser?

Here's a quick piece of news (totally irrelavent)......

I went to the dentist a couple of weeks ago and they did x-rays. The dentist comes back and asks, "You didn't have all 4 wisdom teeth removed?". To which I replied, "I had all 4 removed about 10 years ago". He then showed me the x-ray with a 5th wisdom tooth!!! (This reminds me of the scene form My Big Fat Greek Wedding where the aunt is explaining to the new in-laws that the doctors found hair and teeth in a tumor- it was her twin). Anyway, the dentist told me that they would have to remove it if it pops through the tissue. Who says you only have to have your wisdom teeth removed once.... bummer.


Rob said...

Duuude...that sux! Hope it doesn't run in the fambly!!!

Anonymous said...

You must be one wise person!!