Monday, June 30, 2008

Thanks for today...

God gave me extra blessings today as I felt GREAT- the best in months. Must be all the well wishes and prayers!!! At the recommendation of the oncologist, I started taking folic acid- maybe it took a couple of days to start working. Or maybe my body and thyroid are settling back after surgery.WHO CARES- I feel great! I actually made it through a whole day of work and we went grocery shopping afterward!! Mike thinks it's because we gave a "little extra" in the collection basket at church this week.

Thanks to all who have sent cards: Mitzi & Pops, Jack & Gloria, Brent & Abby, Mandi (my Terre Haute BFF), Wendy Cain, Laura Sofere and family, Joanne and Steve, the Chris Krahulecs, Barb Kelley and the STL Pfizer crew, and Dad and Cindy. I also want to thank everyone for the comments on this blog. I didn't think about it before, but they really cheer me up. I had no idea so many people love me. 8-)

On another note, Cole is regularly using the potty before bath time and will periodically go potty at "school". Mike and I are sure he will be potty trained before he gives up the googer (i.e., pacifier). Yes, he is still suckin on his binky (please no lectures- we know we have to get rid of it!). I included some cute pics below.

Even if tomorrow is rough, I will be grateful for today!!


Unknown said...

What a great philosophy for living! SO very glad to hear that you had a great day today as you certainly deserve it and many more!!! MUCH LOVE to and prayers for you and the fam.

Anonymous said...

CC, I'm so happy to hear that you had a great day! I'm sure there will be many more that follow. I'm so proud of Cole for using the potty! He'll soon be in big boy underpants and what a joy that will be. You will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. We love you and hope you continue to feel better and do well with your treatments.

Jen said...

I cannot believe Cole is potty training and doing so well. Kade was a nightmare potty trainer and Payton is showing little to no interest. What have we done so wrong? Maybe I will just send her your way and you all can take care of it for us. You know, because you don't have enough on your plate or anything.