Monday, July 21, 2008


COLE IS FINALLY GOOGER-FREE!! That's right, he has finally given up the pacifier. YIPPIE!! We told him the standard thing- that a fairy came and took them to the babies that need them. Saturday was nuts with many horrendous meltdowns (especially in the car) but as time went by it got better. Now, whenever he asks where they are, we say, "You know where they are, where are they?". He says "with the babies- I'm nice". He even took his naps and slept all night without it. We are very proud of our boy doing such a hard thing. It is amazing how much more he talks to us now. And it is soooo much easier to understand him.

Some cool/funny things to share:

1. We went to Purina Farms this weekend where Cole milked a real cow! How is it he's terrified of a kitten but he will yank on a cow's teat? Poor cow. (we forgot the camera- what kind of parents are we?!?!)

2. Cole put his head through the arm holes of one of Mike's tank tops yesterday and spun around saying he was a "princess". Because the shirt is so long it looked like a dress, I guess. Mike promptly turned the shirt to the back and convinced him he was Superman instead- much better. I have to admit that Cole pretending he was "a princess" made me squirm a bit. Superman is much better.

3. I turned around yesterday and saw Cole singing- into his thumb like it was a microphone - with his eyes closed and dancing around. It was so cute!

I need to apologize for not keeping the blog up to date. I have received several emails asking for updates. As for me, I only have one treatment left on Friday. The oncologist assured me that I would almost certainly been in remission for the next 2 years so if we want to have another kid we should try then. We need to wait at least 4 months so I can get another scan. But then we can start trying. Other than that, no news on that front. I continue to feel great most of the time- the worst is just being REALLY tired the day of and the day after treatment.

Thanks to all who have left comments on the blog- Mike and I love reading them!


Unknown said...

Appreciate the posts whenever you get a chance. Your life is just a little crazy right now! Am glad to hear about the googer though! Cole IS nice and better as Superman!!! Much love to the fam ...

Anonymous said...

Hurray Cole (Princess Superman)!!
Hurray Cole (singing)
HHHUUURRAAAYYYY Mommy (getting better)
HHUURRAAYY Daddy (helping)
HHHUUURRRRAAAAYYY Grandma (potential)

Love to all

Would Rather Be Renting said...

I love that Cole says he is being "nice" what a cutie!!!

Glad to hear you only have one left today- please keep us in the loop!

Take care lady! I will miss you on Sunday!