Wednesday, July 2, 2008

PET scan

This morning I had a PET scan (positron emission tomography) to detect any small tumors. I find this test so cool because the premise of it is so basic but the technology of the imaging is extremely elaborate. The basis of the test is that cells need sugar to replicate. I got some radioactive sugar by IV then had to sit quietly for about an hour while the cells took up the sugar. Then I went in the scanner for about a half an hour. Since cancer cells replicate quickly compared to normal cells, they absorb more of the radioactive sugar than normal cells. The scanner detects the radioactivity. They scanned from my head to my knee caps- a total of about 3000 images. I wasn't able to see the scans but the doc will have the results for tomorrow's appointment.

Tomorrow I will see the oncologist to discuss the scan and my blood work. I'm sure everything will be fine and the scan will be clean. Then I start the Rituxin (antibody) treatment. This first infusion will take about 6 hours. Good thing my Dad is going with me 'cause it will be BORING!! I hear a knock on the door...... Dad's here!! Later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your results tomorrow.

bOB, Julie and Elizabeth